

Snowman Giveaway Winner!

Hello beautiful bloggers! I hope you are having a great weekend!

Today, I am very excited to announce the winner of this very cute snowman eornament!

I feel everyone deserves a gift and I wish I can give one to each of you, but there could only be one winner of this ornament, and that is...

Cindy of Arts, Books, Tea!!
Congratulation to the winner!! Please email me your mailing address so I can send  him to you A.S.A.P. I am sure he is very excited to see you!

I want to thank you all again who participated on my very first giveaway and I am looking forward for more  giving away gifts for this year :)

Till the next post!


  1. Yay Cindy!! Congratulations!!!!

  2. Oh my gosh!!! I can't believe it! Thank you SO much, Myric! He is so darling...can't wait to receive him! You made my day!
    Hugs, Cindy

  3. Awww, how precious!!! Cindy will be really excited!!! She is such a doll and this reminds me of the beautiful painting that she did!


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