I am on



Easter The French Way

After I shared how Filipinos celebrate the Lent Season from my last post, my friend Tracey of Breathing English Air suggested I stick to chocolate instead. So that's what I am about to do.

In France, you can tell it's Easter Season when chocolates are found everywhere in supermarkets (here's why). They come in different shapes and sizes such as bells, fish, rooster, eggs, bunnies....
 or egg bunnies!

NICE ETOILE has become a known landmark in Nice Centre. It was was my favorite shopping hang-out. They held chocolate shows and expositions usually from last week of  March till first week of April.


It's hard to believe it's chocolate

 I took the pleasure of taking photos while enjoying the smell of these delightfully tasting work of art.

Although we never had chocolate on Easter, we enjoyed them after when they were sold half-off.



  1. Mmm... I couldn't survive without chocolate. It's one of the things I crave the most!

  2. I would love to taste the cake... and I am not a cake person. How very delicious it all looks!

  3. Gorgeous! Happy Easter from my family to yours!

    My PINK

  4. Oh, that dress wouldn't last at all! : ).. Between me nibbling, and a hoarde of people surrounding me, lol, there wouldn't be any chocolate left! However, all of that delicious looking chocolate is definitely a great way to start my morning!

  5. Those are some amazing chocolate creations! I wish we could find things like those in our local stores here in Eastern Oregon!

    Have a great week,



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