I am on



Goodbye House

The moment I walked into this house, I knew from the very start this is not my house. 

Years passed, I remember saying "I hate this house", mainly because most my memories of this house is 3 years of constant re-doing. I would say it was depressing part of my life when instead of enjoying the magical years of my twin babies, I was scraping ceiling, painting and installing floors.
But now that we have reached the end of living in this house, I couldn't help but be sad we are leaving.

I took my words back. No. I don't hate this house. I looked at the work and the design that I have done in here, and I knew it is done with love. I've had meltdowns, frustrations and hardships during the process, but there are no regrets. I found out that being a stay home/homeschool mom of three under the age of three, re-doing a house was possible, doing it in between naptime and playtime.

Surely, I feel sad for leaving because I feel like I am leaving a part of me with this house. Difficult it may be, I just have to keep it in perspective that I prepared this house for a family who would fall in love with this house looking for a fresh start.

As for us.... we can't wait to enjoy our new home we have built from scratch that would house a bigger family.


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