I am on



Gift of Elegance

Hello world!
Sorry, It has been very silent here at Petites Passions. Time passes by so quickly when you are busy does it? I have been adjusting lately with my work, schedules and personal activities that I didn't have enough time to blog! I know it is temporary, just until holiday seasons are over.
Although it's kinda busy around here, I could still spare some time finding items to sell on my Etsy

I found this gorgeous silver plated candelabra with a price I cannot refuse. I knew I had to get it before someone does!!!

So I polished it and made a few touches and put it on my Etsy store.

After only a few days, it was sold and shipped to one of the best fine dine restaurant in Chicago of 2012, which shall remain nameless for it's privacy. It wasn't shipped to the buyer's name so I was assuming it's a gift? 
How exciting!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulationson the sale of a very pretty candlebra!! Hope all is going well with the new job.
    Have a great day.
    Always, Queenie


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