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Taste of New Tradition

Hello beautiful bloggers! How was your thanksgiving? I hope you had a wonderful one. Me and hubby went from Tucson to Phoenix to spend thanksgiving with his Aunt and Uncle. It was my second thanksgiving here in U.S with a different family which meant  different recipes. Turkey, turkey stuffing, mashed potatoes and corn bread casserole are the dishes that aren't as odd to me as before. Although yam casserole sounded quite new to me. This I got to see!

First, I Google d the difference between yam and sweet potato to avoid confusions. Compared to sweet potatoes, yams are starchier and drier.  And I noticed sweet potatoes are sweeter than yams.

Orange colored yam somehow looked weird at first. I was used in seeing and using purple yam in the Philippines, which we call "Ube".

image from Market Manila

Seen in different forms on special occasions as deserts such as cakes, ice-cream flavor or pudding (halaya).

image from Jun-blog

And so we started making this yam casserole dish.

We peeled and cut yams and apples and put it on a metal baking dish. Melted 2 sticks of butter in a bowl and mixed it with brown sugar and cinnamon. 

I couldn't stop tasting the mixture. That itself is a treat!
I better pour the mixture on yams before it's gone! Then put enough water to keep the moisture of the yam in the process of cooking. Then baked it in the oven. 

Now this confused me more. After its cooked, put marshmallows on top, put back in the oven to melt. Is it a desert or what? I know it doesn't sound odd to Americans. But let me put is this way. It is as weird as how my husband feels about marshmallows and hotdogs on a stick. 

It may not sound like a typical dish for Filipino like me, but that yam recipe was something I would definitely have again. 

What's your special yam recipe?


  1. Marshmallows and hotdogs? Really? Yes, that does sound strange to an American like me. lol Looks like you had a fun time. Our family recipe for yams is very similar, but without the apples.

  2. It sounded delicious! But orange yams? But what made me felt odd was knowing that for Americans combining marshmallows with hotdog on a stick isn't common? I thought that was a western thing? o.O


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