I am on



Healthified Parmesen Chicken

I never get to have the habit of breakfast cereal in the morning. I came from a place where breakfast is mostly composed of fried left-over rice, fried eggs, pan grilled whole tomato and dried salted fish accompanied with a hot instant coffee.

Sad to say, my stubborn self does not follow my doctor's suggested daily fiber allowance. I love the fiber-one cereal but the cold milk with it still does not appeal to my tastebuds just yet.

So my fiber-one cereal is just sitting in the cupboard. I've got to do something with it before it gets old and stale.

I saw this recipe from the girl who ate everything.

et Voila! 

Fiber-On Healthified Parmesan Chicken.

see the recipe here.

I tried it at one. Its so easy but delicious. Great with any side dish of your choice

Mine doesn't look as appetizing as the picture above.

In my case, I made potato salad.

Sometimes I stuffed the chicken with mozzarella cheese but this time, i tried to strictly follow the recipe.

Although I made one simple begginer's mistake. I was too impatient for my my chicken to cook, I thought I'd slice the thick chicken halfway. Turns out its a bad idea because the moist escaped leaving the chicken dry.

Oh well. Live and learn


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